Sa 的評分: 5
2007-07-29 18:06 來自香港的Sa有以下留言:
本人想跟朋友於11月尾去尼泊爾, 但只有10-11天時間, 如果想行Jomsom Trek(連 Muktinath )以及想在加德滿都遊玩,會否不夠時間?行程應怎樣分配?
2007-07-30 01:14 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
時間似乎太緊了點。尼泊爾無論國內外線的航班常會有延誤甚至取消,計劃時宜預鬆一些。如初次到尼泊爾,走五天的 Poon Hill 線已不會令你失望了。如真的想試,也應安排先飛往 Jomsom,再視乎情況決定是否要縮減登山行程。至於 Pokhara 和加德滿都的行程宜放在旅程後段。
Carol 的評分: 5
2007-06-10 22:40 來自中國的Carol有以下留言:
carol 的評分: 5
2007-06-10 22:44 來自中國的carol有以下回應:
walker 的評分: 5
2007-05-30 12:24 來自香港的walker有以下留言:
我打算十月中去尼泊爾, 這個時候仍常會下雨嗎?
導遊是在哪找的? 他們的身份是當地政府認可的嗎? 一般一個導遊及挑夫的價錢是怎樣計算的? 怎樣才算合理?
我以前去西藏,知道他們會服食紅景天或高原安等藥物來減輕高山反應, 在尼泊爾, 可有類似的成藥?
我大約有十天的時間來行山, 另外還打算用兩天的時間遊一遊其他地方, 我想看看壯麗的雪山景色, 你可有好的提議?
2007-06-02 09:19 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
我當年在加德滿都的超市可買到 Diamox,紅景天或高原安就未見過,現在不知如何。
十天行山可選我走的 Jomsom 線,悠閒點可只走 Poon Hill 線。
2007-04-26 20:59 來自台灣的Grace有以下留言:
2007-04-27 12:56 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
總結雨季走不是不能,但要有準備面對以上的問題。如可以選擇還是等到 11 月或來年 3-4 月會更好。
Winnie 的評分: 5
2007-04-11 01:17 來自香港的Winnie有以下留言:
We plan to do ABC in early May. A travel agent )North Face) has suggested the following route :
Day 1 : Drive to Pokhara (approx. 6 to 7 hrs.) and over night at hotel.
Day 2 : After breakfast drive to trailhead Nayapul (1070m) trek to Ghandruk (1970m) (Approx. 4 to 5hr) and overnight at teahouse Lodge.
Day 3: Ghandruk (1970m) - Sinwa (2350m) (approx. 5 to 6 hrs) and overnight at teahouse Lodge.
Day 4 : Sinwa (2350m) - Deurali (3230m) (approx. 4 to 5 hrs) and overnight at teahouse Lodge.
Day 5: Deurali (3230m) - ABC (4130m) (approx. 5 hrs) and overnight at teahouse Lodge.
Day 6: ABC (4130m) - Bamboo (2340m) (approx. 4 to 5 hrs) and overnight at teahouse Lodge.
Day 7: Bamboo to Jhinnu Hot Spring (approx. 5-6 hr)and overnight at teahouse Lodge.
Day 8: Jhinnu to Pothana (1900m) (Approx. 4 to 5 hrs) and overnight at teahouse Lodge.
Day 9: Pothana to Phedi & drive back to Pokhara and overnight stay at hotel.
Discounting the time for staying in Kamanthdu, we can only spare about 9 to 10 days for trekking. Any comments on the above programme and North Face?
2007-04-11 16:30 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
我未走過 ABC,所以不知具體詳情。
我留意到的是這行程上山時爬升得很急,D4,D5 每天要升高八、九百米,對有高山反應的人會很辛苦甚至有危險!建議不如下山路每天走長些,擠出一天放在上山部分,同時可考慮 D3 多走一、兩小時到高一些的地方留宿。
Yoki Chu 的評分: 4
2007-04-08 13:10 來自香港的Yoki Chu有以下留言:
I wish to go to nepal on 7 Sep to 22 Sep. I may treking in this two weeks. Could u tell me is the climate suitable for travel. And will Chitwan national park open?
2007-04-10 17:21 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
這時候尼泊爾的雨季仍未結束,不太適宜登山。國家公園我想不會在這段時間關閉,但雨季 safari 也是不太適宜。如可行最好可延遲至十月尾以後出發。
尼泊尔大勇 的評分: 5
2007-04-04 14:40 寫上來自尼泊尔的尼泊尔大勇有以下留言:
小可 的評分: 4
2007-03-14 18:02 來自台灣的小可有以下留言:
xman 的評分: 4
2007-03-08 15:59 來自香港的xman有以下留言:
2007-03-09 13:39 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
到尼泊爾我覺得最少要一星期左右,遊首都、附近兩個古城和 Pokhara。
KT 的評分: 3
2007-03-06 18:59 來自香港的KT有以下留言:
2007-03-05 14:21 來自香港的letter to jane有以下留言:
I am a proffessional Trekking Guide in Nepal,i was very sad to see the message posted by Miss Jane on
2006-02-12 23:37
..... For those who are going to travel in Nepal, please kindly pay careful ......
I am surprised to another message from her on
2007-02-26 14:52 which says that she has been cheated and deceived from a neplese guide she even has taken reference with Chinney to take precautions,its controversial that see seems very careful on feb 2006 so had posted the caution message,later on she might be blind or mad on someones love or romance so that she completely forgot what she had told before,now she has no more fun on him and have another message on feb 2007.
Nothing is so pure in this world but the better is to take care yourself and to know what you are and what you want.
I have seen many Neplese men marrying with foreigners girls and living happily no matter where they are.
Jane 的評分: 5
2007-02-26 14:52 來自香港的Jane有以下留言:
I totally agree to what Chinny said on her message. Nowadays, the Nepalese people, especially those trekking guides, are very cunning and aggressive in asking money and even SEX from the female foreingers. They take advantage of the kindness of the females foreingers. I am one of those who had suffered a lot from them. They would always ask you to leave them your contact point or email address. Then they would keep on writing you lots of sweet words to persuade you, "I LOVE YOU very much..." "Please get marry with me.... " In fact, these Nepalese guys are married men with wives as they usually got early marriage. According to their tricks, they would ask whether you could bring them to your mother country for job or immigrant. Besides, they pretend very well to be very pity and poor under financial difficulties, and asked much money from you before you leave them. Unfortunately, these are all their tricks to the innocent foreingers. May all the trekkers and foreingers, especially the females, take precaution and never fall into their traps!! Many of them and their behaviours could be very terrible!! I hope those who are going to Nepal would be very mindful and would never suffer the same situation as I had previously. I am very sincere to give this message.
Lacey 的評分: 5
2007-02-19 01:17 來自日本的Lacey有以下留言:
Lacey 的評分: 5
2007-03-22 15:21 來自日本的Lacey有以下回應:
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