2001-03-31 14:41 來自malaysia的cho yuen有以下留言:
I love your work!
I feel realy know nepal and everset even I never be there
Thank You for your information and I think I will go to Nepal as soon as passible.......
Chiu 的評分: 5
2001-03-17 18:06 來自Hong Kong SAR的Chiu有以下留言:
Thankyou very much! You are excellent!
2001-03-03 01:13 來自Shanghai China的可可有以下留言:
Very great!!!你好棒!我很喜欢你的网站,照片太美了!我最大的梦想就是像你一样,背着相机走遍世界的奇山异水。但是这个梦想不知何时才呢没能实现。所以,谢谢你让我先睹为快。Thank you!!!
lvji 的評分: 5
2001-02-28 11:19 來自shanghai.china的lvji有以下留言:
anan 的評分: 3
2001-02-21 16:37 來自天涯某處的anan有以下留言:
这些地方好美啊,可惜我都没去过,不过我一定要努力存钱,一定要真 正体会这幻想国度。:)
song ying 的評分: 5
2001-02-20 12:07 來自P.R.china的song ying有以下留言:
i am a girl in zhengzhou,Henan province China.i have a frend from Nepol here,so i have made a plan to visit Nepol this year maybe in nov.i will cost about RMB4000yuan (=500us$).Yeah,it made me excited.but i am a college studuent,it's still too expensive for me.
Jeffrey 的評分: 3
2001-02-18 21:13 寫上來自Hongkong的Jeffrey有以下留言:
Very Good! It is very useful for my plan in Nepal.
2001-02-06 00:47 寫上來自ROC的Kevin有以下留言:
新年快樂,新增土耳其與歐遊剪影,歡迎參觀指教,謝謝!! 吳俊儒(Kevin) http://kevinwjr.2u.com.tw/(Homepage) or http://home.pchome.com.tw/art/kevinwjr(較穩) kevin26@ms4.hinet.net
aliang 的評分: 5
2001-01-08 10:37 來自TAIPEI TAIWAN的aliang有以下留言:
小弟曾於1999年1月與幾位同事到尼泊爾健行,一下飛機就對其特殊的人文景觀及高聳入雲的雪峰迷戀不已,很想撥空再次造訪, 您的網頁太棒了有職業水準,如有幸該向您多多請益.
Charley Ye 的評分: 3
2000-12-21 04:54 來自Canada的Charley Ye有以下留言:
Great shots and tour notes. I would really appreciate more if your photos were larger. Thank you!
Cat 的評分: 5
2000-12-01 18:52 寫上來自H.K的Cat有以下留言:
Your homepage is very good.And there are a lot of photos or pictures.And they make me have a lots of choice!
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