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Carl 的評分: 5 (Carl 的個人網頁)

2006-05-15 09:42 來自香港Carl有以下留言:


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2006-05-15 14:11 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

因為這是 "雪山之鄉" 的第二版。第一版在 2000 年八月面世,亦即我第一次尼泊爾之旅後的四個月。第二版在我第二次尼泊爾之後的 2003 年十月推出,內容和版面都作全面更新,因此叫 "雪山之鄉 II"。

傲世風雲 的評分: 0 (傲世風雲 的個人網頁)

2006-05-13 15:55 來自香港傲世風雲有以下留言:

網主 我有個問題想詢問一下 就是珠穆朗瑪峰其實是屬於尼泊爾還是中國呢?
還有 喬戈裡峰都是屬於中國嗎?還是巴基斯坦的?

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2006-05-14 00:14 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:


mia 的評分: 0 (mia 的個人網頁)

2006-05-08 23:40 來自中國mia有以下留言:

hi, do u know besides of beijing and lahsa, where can foreigners apply for the visa to nepal?

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2006-05-09 08:42 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:


mia 的評分: 5 (mia 的個人網頁)

2006-05-18 11:15 來自中國mia有以下回應:

tks. i have asked several agencies in nepal, they said my friends have to join their tour from nepal to lhasa, but that`s tooooo expensive for them, cost from usd855~usd935 per person for a 9-days trip and they have to return to kathmandu!!
we want to travel in tibet by ourselves, but the nepalis guides said it`s impossible and have to join the tour! is it true?

do u have any useful website that my friends can check for the tibet permit in chengdu and kathmandu?

sorry for so many questions...

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2006-05-18 13:49 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

Yes. Tours from Nepal to Tibet are expensive because foreigners have no choice but follow them due to the permit problem. Mainland, HK and Macau Chinese have no such problem and can arrange transport themselves. I think arrange 'tours' for foreigners from Qing Hai or Si Chuan should be cheaper.

I don't know such websites. You need to search.

Jacqueline 的評分: 4 (Jacqueline 的個人網頁)

2006-05-07 14:55 來自香港Jacqueline有以下留言:

我跟在NEPAL之導遊公司取得聯絡,他説現在情況已經回復平靜!如果大家想去那裡遠足没有問題, 大可放心!

ah Lok 的評分: 5 (ah Lok 的個人網頁)

2006-04-21 21:17 來自香港ah Lok有以下留言:

本來計劃18天的Everest Base Camp Trek,

D1 HK-Bangkok-Kathmandu
D2 Kathmandu-Lukla-Phakding
D3 Phakding-Namche
D4 Namche
D5 Namche-Khumjung
D6 Khumjung-Tengpoche
D7 Tengpoche-Dingboche
D8 Dingboche-Lobuche
D9 Lobuche-GorakShep-Pheriche
D10 Pheriche-Namche
D11 Namche-Lukla
D12 Lukla-Kathmandu-Bangkok-HK


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2006-04-22 09:59 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:


看你的照片又讓我勾起走 EBC 線的回憶。雖然此後我去了很多其他地方,那次仍是我至今數一數二最難忘的旅行。那時旅行和海外登山經驗尚淺,很多現在看來既是蠢事,也是終生難忘的美好回憶;那次行程又峰迴路轉,存在很多未知數,心情幻得幻失。加上那時數碼相機尚未普及,很少人放照片和行程/遊記上網 (有關 EBC 的中文網頁那時更可說絕無僅有),心裡存有一幅幅對當地的幻想畫面,跟親眼所見有時頗有出入,遇上美景的驚喜亦特別大。

ah Lok 的評分: 5 (ah Lok 的個人網頁)

2006-04-22 22:34 來自香港ah Lok有以下回應:


回想起03年初次到尼泊爾,目的是5天Poonhill Circle,

Ida 的評分: 5 (Ida 的個人網頁)

2006-04-23 15:14 來自香港Ida有以下回應:

Ah Lok,


Thank you.

ah Lok 的評分: 5 (ah Lok 的個人網頁)

2006-04-24 10:19 來自香港ah Lok有以下回應:


Ida 的評分: 0 (Ida 的個人網頁)

2006-04-24 14:05 來自香港Ida有以下回應:

Dear Lok,

Thank you very much for your suggestion.
We may be cancel our trip.

Ocean 的評分: 5 (Ocean 的個人網頁)

2006-04-25 12:18 來自香港Ocean有以下回應:

我都建議你取消行程, 雖然山上是平靜.
但因你行poon hill circuit通常是要在naya pul做起點, 由於交通共具中斷, 所以你可能要好似我地那樣, 由naya pul行了9 hrs先到pokhara. 而且由kathmandu to pokhara只可搭飛機.

香港阿星 的評分: 5 (香港阿星 的個人網頁)

2006-04-25 22:59 寫上來自上環香港阿星有以下回應:

Ah Lok,

Annapurna Basecamp你們是04年聖誕節去的嗎??我那時在poon hill山頂上好像曾經碰上你們一行四人,當時我是用Contax G2相機的,不知道你有沒有印象?

ah Lok 的評分: 5 (ah Lok 的個人網頁)

2006-04-25 23:27 來自香港ah Lok有以下回應:


香港阿星 的評分: 5 (香港阿星 的個人網頁)

2006-04-26 10:00 寫上來自上環香港阿星有以下回應:


Jess Mok 的評分: 5 (Jess Mok 的個人網頁)

2006-04-27 06:04 寫上來自HKJess Mok有以下回應:

Ah Lok,

我地係Nepal山上見過面啦,就係你剛剛完成Everest Base Camp條route見面的。雖然有感冒,又帶腳傷,又有高山反應但很高興能夠上到Kala Patther望見Everest及駱子峰。今次係我第三次去Nepal,每次都帶比我美好回憶及經歷,再加上我地Nepal好朋友兼道遊係遊程裏十分照顧每一位隊員又成日逗我地開心,所以令到遊程更加難忘。雖然Nepal成日有示威、宵禁、戒嚴,但無損我對Nepal鐘愛,佢依然有好大吸引力,兩年後我地又會再去Nepal行另一條trek,到時唔知會唔會又遇到啦!


Sab 的評分: 0 (Sab 的個人網頁)

2006-04-19 12:33 寫上來自香港Sab有以下留言:


I am writing to warn all of the tourists BE CAREFUL to choose the Travel Agency Company in Nepal. PLEASE DON’T USE "Nepal Experienced Adventure Treks (P) LTD". The Manager, Chandra Tamang is a DISHONESTY PERSON.

Two of my friends and I just finished trekking during April 5 to 14, 2006. That is the bad time we were in Nepal because of strike! Before the trip, we have asked the travel agency "Nepal Experienced Adventure Treks (P) LTD" if it’s a good time to go during the strike. The Manager Chandra Tamang of "Nepal Experienced Adventure Treks (P) LTD" replied "Maoist called off 4 days strike already"!! Then we trust him and go on schedule (we never have idea of strike). IN FACT, THE STRIKE WAS STARTED FROM APRIL 6, 06.

We arrived on Apr 5 and supposed to play rafting on Apr 6 but agent told us there is no car to the destination, so the activity was cancelled. Afterward, we also need to spend extra money to change to air ticket to/from Pokhara/ Kathmandu instead of car been booked before. In the last day, we walked 9 hours from Nayapul to Pokhara (suppose we take a car only 1.5 hrs). All because of car is not allowed during the strike. I asked some of Nepali, they said NO CAR TRANSPORTION WHILE STRIKE USUALLY. That means the agent know that before, he LIED!!

After finished the trek, we went to the travel company to talk w/the manager why he cheat us. Not told us no car during the strike, maybe we will postpone our trip. In his office, he shouted to us and said if we are a HUMAN BEING should know that. We are very angry of his attitude!!! How come he treated his customers like that??

Per our trekking guide (his employee) also said he is crazy for money $$$!! So I really understand why he cheated us to go first!!!

Ocean 的評分: 5 (Ocean 的個人網頁)

2006-04-18 15:00 來自香港Ocean有以下留言:

I just back to Nepal. My trip is start from 5-APR to 16-APR. Before the trip, we also knew there is a 4 days strike in Nepal. Then we asked the agency about any problems of ours trip. He said no problem and Moist called off the strike. Then we trust him to go. When we arrived to Kathmandu. We plan to take green line bus to go. But he said that the strike is start. Then we need to take the flight to go Pokhara. He charged us US76 each. (After we meet someone in the mountain, most of the guys can get US60 to fight). So I felt the Nepal Experience Adventure Trekking agency is not reliable. His trekking guide also said that the boss is crazy for money then he asked us to go.

Ours trekking route is fly to Jomson --> Muktinath --> Naya Pul. (8 days trekking). But we used 7 days to finish the trip. In order to no any transportation from Naya Pul to Pokhara, we’re using 9 hrs to walk from Naya Pul to Pokhara. We saw the taxi and the prices is ten thousands RPS. And there is an ambulance, the prices is 6000 RPS per person. After back to Pokhara, we also need to take the flight from Pokhara and Kathmandu. And most of the shops (90%) are closed both in Pokhara and Kathmandu. After back to Kathmandu, the Nepali said that the pilot also join the strike start on 17-APR. That’s means there is no domestic flight in Nepal. And the 7 parties are called more 7 days strike. Hope the news can help the others.

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2006-04-19 08:43 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

Thanks for your sharing.

Mandy 的評分: 5 (Mandy 的個人網頁)

2006-04-25 14:17 寫上來自Hong KongMandy有以下回應:

Here is my response to the comment from Ocean dated 18 Apr.

I feel there is a misundestanding about the Nepal Experienced Adventure Treks Ltd. I have been traveled to Nepal for more than 10 times, I have asked this agency to arrange the trips for at least 5 times. In fact, I don’t think this agency tried to lie about the strike which seems to me as an unexpected event not mentioned by Marroist in advance. In Nepal, unstable political situation started from 1996 with strike on and off. It is common & normal to have few-day strike during each of my trip, no one is afraid enough to drive the car that may be attacked by Marroist during the strike, however, this do not affect tourists who usually aim for trekking. If you watch the news recently, you will feel surprise that the situation in Nepal suddenly becomes very serious from early Apr across ten years – 1st time to have such fighting for democracy, long term curfew & strike. I do greatly understand how Ocean frustrated about trip during such unstable condition. However, I feel that it is totally out of trekking agent’s control or awareness (you can see the pilot also went to join the strike). On the other hand, it is very hard for trekking agency to make all the rearrangement during such unexpected event.

Regarding the air ticket, the standard price is US$76, this trekking agent did not cheat you. The problem is that some trekking agencies try to lower price to attract tourists that is in fact violated the regulation of the airline. The trick is that they are likely to increase the price for other items in the package. I like to use this trekking agent because we find the manager is relatively well organized, experienced, reliable and offers a very reasonable price when compared with other trekking agencies. I remembered one time I was in Nepal during Feb 05, it was another unexpected but less serious situation in which all the communication has been shut down by the govt – no local/international transportation, no internet, no international/local call – that was also announced on HK news. We greatly appreciated this trekking agency’s effort and rearrangement,the manager finally helped us to get the air tickets (you know, very difficult), so that we could fly back to HK soon after international flight was resumed. My message is not to offence Ocean but just try to give some clarity, and I do hope everybody to enjoy the wonderful trip in Nepal.

Janet 的評分: 4 (Janet 的個人網頁)

2007-08-08 22:21 來自香港Janet有以下回應:

With reference to the comment from Ocean, first of all, it was understandable how someone would feel when an vacation eventually turned out a mess. The Maoist strike in Nepal was also always unpredictable and out of anyone's control in the past.

Contrary to Ocean's experience, my friend and myself ( two girls ) did have a wonderful memory with the trekking organized by NEAT in Oct 2006 to Langtang Gosainkund for a 14 days trekking. Mightbe one of the reason was there was no strike at all during my stay in Nepal, the political situation was very stable.

Before i went to Nepal, i hadn't booked any trekking agency. After we arrived in Kathmandu for few days sight-seeing, we decided to go for a trekking.

Safety definitely was the major concern for us when we chose a trekking agency, I decided to approach the NEAT because some European friends of mine highly recommended this trekking agency. This was my first ever time to travel to Nepal and I never had the experience on trekking. However, i also did not want my trekking so easy, I discussed all my conditions and requirements with the manager Mr. Chandra from NEAT ( Nepal Experienced Adventureous Trekking ), and he designed a route which was fantastic for me.

My friend and myself only employed a guide to accompany us for the whole trekking. We passed by a lot of small villages, our guide seems almost knows everyone in all the villages. Even though we did not employ any porter to help us to carry our backpacks, he was very willing to help us whenever we needed. As remembered, when we entered the Lantang region, like all the other trekkers, we were asked to pay some money to Maoist, and we paid lesser as our guide knows how to deal with this. Most importantly, this guide really showed us the best of Langtang.

And I am planning to go to Nepal again for a trekking in Annapurna next year, and i will still choose the same trekking agency.


莫國華 的評分: 0 (莫國華 的個人網頁)

2006-04-17 16:44 來自香港莫國華有以下留言:



SK Shrestha 的評分: 0 (SK Shrestha 的個人網頁)

2006-04-15 20:02 寫上來自NepalSK Shrestha有以下留言:

If anyone of you are willing to know the current situation of nepal and travel information please feel free to address me any your questions right now.

hing 的評分: 5 (hing 的個人網頁)

2006-04-16 18:46 來自香港hing有以下回應:

We have a group of 2 people planned to Nepal on this end of month. Could you let us know the current situation of Nepal? If we go ahead, do you think the trip are safely? If 10 marks is high danger, how marks you will give current situation?

SK 的評分: 0 (SK 的個人網頁)

2006-04-17 12:08 寫上來自NepalSK有以下回應:

Hi Hing,

The current situation of Nepal is getting better than before. We hope that the situation will be settle after few days. our king is initiated peace talks with the political parites who are protesting in major city of Nepal. Let me know where your visiting destination in Nepal and I will not in detail about your destination.

KIT 的評分: 4 (KIT 的個人網頁)

2006-04-14 14:44 來自香港KIT有以下留言:


Irene 的評分: 5 (Irene 的個人網頁)

2006-04-10 21:22 來自香港Irene有以下留言:

We have a group of 22 people planned to trek to EBC on this coming Saturday. I'm afraid the chance for this trip is getting slimer as national strike, demonstrations & curfew are continuously undergoing in Nepal. Everything got set but.....I'm so upset about it....

B仔 的評分: 5 (B仔 的個人網頁)

2006-04-14 16:25 來自香港B仔有以下回應:

我們於兩日前剛完成EBC Trek,由尼泊爾回來。雖然政局仍然不穩,但國內外航機都正常。

on yee 的評分: 5 (on yee 的個人網頁)

2006-04-10 19:50 來自香港on yee有以下留言:

hi everyone. I know this website is about nepal, but I have read that a lot of you also went to tibet after nepal.

I'm trying to plan my trip from nepal to tibet in August 2006.

1. Do you know where I can book my flight ticket from nepal to Lhasa? Any websites or agencies in Hong Kong?

2. I hold a hui shang zheng, do I need visa to get into tibet, do I have to join a tour group to get in or can i just travel on my own?

3. Another option is to travelled form nepal to tibet by road. Any one have similar experience? Can I travel on raod to Lhasa and fly back to nepal within 2 weeks?

Sorry to inquire on tibet here. But desperately need some help.

fish 的評分: 4 (fish 的個人網頁)

2006-04-10 14:29 來自香港fish有以下留言:


大力 的評分: 4 (大力 的個人網頁)

2006-04-10 02:45 來自香港大力有以下留言:


yama 的評分: 4 (yama 的個人網頁)

2006-04-09 15:15 來自香港yama有以下留言:


FISH 的評分: 0 (FISH 的個人網頁)

2006-04-09 17:42 來自香港FISH有以下回應:

我都plan了easter holiday去napel, 買了機票,現在局勢這樣,真叫人擔心,我期待了很久的...

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