Jane 的評分: 5
2004-03-07 19:25 來自香港的Jane有以下留言:
Dear Tower,
That's very nice of you when you could keep us informed of the latest situation there in Kathmandu.
Please do take very good care and may you enjoy your trek to EBC!
All the best!!
Tower 的評分: 5
2004-03-07 13:28 寫上來自Nepal的Tower有以下留言:
Dear All,
I am still in Kathmandu and I have the following information to share with you.
1. Two days ago Maoist plant a bomb right in Central Thamel. I was 50M away from the blast at the time and heart the huge booming! Although only three local people (one police) injured, this is the first time they plant bomb in Thamel! The atmosphere here is quite tight, personally I don't suggest anybody to stay in this city for too long (I will set off for my 21 days EBC trekking tomorrow, so no need to worry about it!)
2. I got an agency for my EBC trekking, the package includes:
21 days EBC+Kala Patter+Gokyo (through Cho La Pass) KTMLukla domestic flight ticket + Lodge Accomadation + 3meals + 3 drinks...... The price is US$665. Actually this is not the lowest price, you can find some agency offering US$5XX. Just be careful if the agency is government registered!
3. Remember to bring you SAR password when you visit Bahatupur. The ticket is selling at NRS750 but for Chinese it is only NRS100!
4. I bing Nikon F80+24-120 lens, 35 rolls of Kodak Elitechrome and 25 rolls of Fuji Superia 400 to Nepal. I feel the combination is quite enough. I strongly suggest auto-focus camear becuase you will be so tired along the way of trekking, your hand will become so shaky sometimes, it's simply not good idea to manual focus your photo (it will slow you down dramatically).
5. Tbhe slide development service in Kathmandu is quite reliable. I developed 15 rolls of Kodak Elitechrom (E6 Process), all with satisfied reault. The price is NRS150 for slide, NRS40 for Negative (development only). Negative print cost at NRS70 for 3R, NRS120 for 4R.
I will try to share more information with you when I reach Namche Bazzar (hope the internet connection there isn't too slow)
Tower in Kathmendu
ah Lok 的評分: 5
2004-03-05 22:53 來自香港的ah Lok有以下留言:
我和親愛的女朋友2003年9月尾到尼泊爾旅行,包括到Poon Hill Circle Trekking,有些經驗分享給準備選擇同樣路線的朋友:
1. 9月尾仍屬於雨季吸血蟲活躍的日子,路上小心,隨時留意腳部有沒有吸血蟲。可以的話,延遲至10月中旬才出發吧!除了吸血蟲問題,還可增加看見雪山的機會啊!
2. Poon Hill Circle順時針方向比逆時針方向容易,因為後者Ghandruk至Ghorepani是上山路,要越過森林,還經常涉水,未到Poon Hill,已想放棄。
3. 我們沒有聘請guide或porter同行,但Tikhedhunge至Ghorepani的艱苦一段,經Tikhedhunge(Indra Guesthouse)老闆介紹,我們Rb800請了位"1 day porter"背行李到Ghorepani(當時覺得貴,之後覺得物超所值!),而我們就可以輕鬆上路!(注:1 day porter其實住在Tikhedhunge,他會8:00前出發,放下行李在Ghorepani指定的guesthouse後就折返,所以未必與你同行,但你應會在他折返途中相遇。放心吧!尼泊爾人是很純品的。)
4. 離開Poon Hill(順時針方向),一般嚮導會選擇在Tadapani過夜,但Tadapani至Ghandruk只是2~3小時的路程,而Ghandruk比Tadapani美麗得多(欣賞魚尾峰最好位置),所以一股作氣到Ghandruk過夜吧!還可以欣賞魚尾峰的日出/日落。(注:下午3時後才到Tadapani的朋友另作別論)
5. Poon Hill Circle是Maoists(尼泊爾反對派)的活躍地區,若遇見,不用驚慌,其實他們很有善(起碼我們遇到的!)只會向遊客解釋他們的政治立場及要求捐獻,一般而言,每人Rb1000,如你有葯物捐獻或自認是學生(We've no money!)還會便宜一點!(注:緊記拿收據,因為有免疫力的)
尼泊爾100%值得走一趟,兩趟或三趟,Trekking 過程未必每天都開心快樂,經常邊行邊說:"點解我會係度?咁辛苦,為乜?!" 但之後回憶,你會不枉此行,因為,縱使你有錢,有地位,可以請多多的嚮導或挑夫,"Trekking"都是自己行,有血有肉,不能"假腳於人"的!
Jane 的評分: 5
2004-03-05 22:43 來自香港的Jane有以下留言:
Dear Tower and SKY,
Thank you for your kind advices. I even don't expect I could be answered directly from all of you. How nice you are!
Yes, I will be going to visit Nepal during the Easter holidays (4 - 18 April). And the flight of Thai Airways is quite full at this moment. One of the return trip from Kathmandu to Bangkok has to be on waitlist so far.
But another problem is, the Maoists are making a lot of troubles at present in the remote mountain regions..... I hope I could have a safe journey!
All the best to every of you! My sincere thanks again!
fdsh2002 的評分: 5
2004-03-04 20:49 寫上來自上海的fdsh2002有以下留言:
Healingfoot 的評分: 5
2004-03-04 14:20 來自香港的Healingfoot有以下留言:
Thanks for your prompt reply. BTW, can you share with us how to take great picture like you. I only want to take my FM2, 17mm-35mm and 35mm-70mm lenses. Is it still worth to bring my 70-210mm also?
I hope I can post some photo here once I coming back!
A thousand thanks!!!
2004-03-05 12:45 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
呵呵!你這高帽子可真大了,使我感到汗顏。我想拍攝時間很重要,我很多較好的照片都是日出日落拍的,但光線常會不足,要用上腳架 (我是拍 100 度幻燈片的)。我最近一次 (Jomsom Trek) 帶了三枝鏡,中、短鏡跟你差不多,但長鏡是 100-400,登山時揹著它也真夠受的,不過長鏡是有用的。
分享你的照片當地十分歡迎,但這留言版不能上載照片,你可放到一些 web album 裡,然後在這裡留下連結。
小妮 的評分: 5
2004-03-02 00:02 來自香港的小妮有以下留言:
哈哈~! 小妮是和歌莉亞同機回港的, 都是看著飛機飛走的>.<
很多地方的入場費加了, 加幅亦很大, 好像火葬場加到250rbs, 很貴啊, 小妮覺得不太值!
買東西要講價, 不過小妮和朋友都不太精, 覺得價錢合理便可了. 其實thamel 區有幾間舖是比泊卡拉平的, 早點出門當第一位顧客價錢也會平一點. 走了幾間舖, 小妮發覺最平耳環是135rbs 一對, 微章說價50rbs 三個, 鐵的印度手環小販開價最平的40rbs有12隻, 還可壓價, 市集買會便宜很多, 同樣的款式, 有舖頭開價200rbs 12隻, 距離很大呢!
歌妮亞 的評分: 5
2004-03-01 13:01 寫上來自香港的歌妮亞有以下留言:
(1)本來坐泰航經曼谷返香港28號晚就可以到屋企,因為加都泰航counter無幫我做埋轉機個boarding pass,要到曼谷後去transfer counter做轉機,太多人排隊又時間唔夠(到泰國1830但1900要boarding),已經要求打尖不過無人理.....結果要留宿曼谷一晚29號中午先返到香港....29號朝個meeting miss咗.....小心有類似事件
(2)25至29號係strike,本來26號無車(其實係d司機唔肯開車)由Dunchue(Langtang rounte)返加都...幸好幫趁既travel agent安排電單車....結果成功返到加都....d市民同army都覺得好奇怪,咁遠都肯去接我同我個guide又返到加都(d路又衰,衰過去pohkara d路好多,又斜又窄)....感謝主感謝Ecological Treks....要幫尼泊爾政治局勢祈禱,希望個衰皇帝快d同political party合作搞掂maoist...
2004-03-01 22:04 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
你去的地方較少人去,像 Langtang Trek 我還是第一次聽到有人親身去過,如方便和有空可否提供多一點介紹?
小妮 的評分: 5
2004-02-29 18:14 來自香港的小妮有以下留言:
~報告~ 小妮平安回家了^^
交通: 罷工行動將會持續, 領隊說29/2後會更加緊張, 小心啊!
小妮在26/2泊卡拉都遇上罷工, 只有單車和電單車出租, 還有少量來回加德滿都和泊卡拉的tourist bus.
登山: 因為罷工, 小妮的回程有少少更改, 不過最大問題如tower 所說, ghorepani到tadapani路上積滿雪, 沒有guide 是很危險的>.< , 小妮和朋友都是由guide 同porter 拖著下山的, 沒他們我想是行不了的.
天氣: 只有早上兩至三小時的天晴, 其如時間都是密雲, 天氣早晚較冷, 中午沒太陽的時候也有點涼意.
裝備: 小妮在10天行程裡, 覺得以下物品是必需的:
第一位: 行山棍 (我想是這樣叫吧^_^") 沒它可走不了濕漉漉的地面呢!
第二位: 防晒用品 短短的日光時間足夠把小妮晒得脫皮, 很恐怖>.<
第三位: 按摩藥 旅程後你會覺得它很可愛~
其他: 啤牌 (入夜後沒事幹, 很好的玩意)
不用過水的洗頭水 ( 沒法洗頭時很有用, 特別如小妮般長髮又不忍剪掉的女孩們
飲食: 山上是沒有肉食供應的, 食肉獸要自己準備罐頭啊!
Tower 的評分: 5
2004-02-28 12:20 來自尼泊爾的Tower有以下留言:
Dear all,
I am right now in Pokhara. Just came back from a 5 days trekking to Poonhill. I got the following updated information to share.
1. No need to pay us$30 visa fee for HKSAR passport holder.
2. The weather in Pokhara is sunny but the sky is not clear, can not see snow mountain from the lakeside.
3. I didn't encountered any Maoist during trekking.
4. The decending track from Ghorepani to Tadapani were covered by left over snow and became very slippery, it slowed down our speed dramatically.
5. It was quite cold on the mountain, remember to bring your fleeze jacket.
6. It is very difficult to dry your cloth after washing them. I washed some clothes the first day and they simply refused to dry after three days!!!
7. There was a two days strike just ended the day before yesterday (26-Feb-2004). We were so lucky not to be troubled by it, otherwise we might be stucked by it and trapped on the mountain because there wouldn't be any public & private transportation taking us from Nayapu back to Pokhara.
I will start my EBC & Gokyo trekking in mid March, I will share more information with you later on!
2004-02-29 09:57 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
Thank you for your first hand information.
You have enountered the same situation as mine - see no snow mountain in Pokhara!
Anyway, wish you happy trip and trekking.
2004-02-14 17:12 來自香港的小虎有以下留言:
25/2回到pokhara時, 最好先打聽一下未來幾天是否有strike,萬一剛好在27/2踫上strike, 沒有巴士回到kathmandu, 便會趕不及28/2的飛機。如果這樣, 便要在26/2離開pokhara。
從pokhara回kathmandu時,查車查得很嚴,堵車情況很嚴重。當地人坐的車,是每個乘客的包包遂一搜查的 (旅遊車則不用),所以每一輛車也花很多時間才過檢查站。7:30從pokhara開車,下午4:00才能下車……
小妮 的評分: 5
2004-02-14 20:06 來自香港的小妮有以下回應:
為了省時間, 回程時我們選了搭內陸機了~
但由kathmandu 去pohkara 就搭車, 希望不要大塞車吧!
小虎 的評分: 4 (小虎 的個人網頁)
2004-02-13 16:42 來自香港的小虎有以下留言:
到步的第二天便遇上strike, 沒有巴士開到pokhara, 而且商店也沒有開門, 於是便走路到durbar square以及地處逛。周圍都是苛槍的軍人。
第三天到pokhara, 原來二月頭尚算淡季。二月中以後才算旺季,辦登山證的acap office會營業至4:30。
原本plan好trek五天,走annapurna 的 poonhill 路線:
nayapul - ghandrung - tadapani - ghorepani - tikhedunga - nayapul
天氣不好,行程第二天開始下雪,路很難走。第三天雪更大, 而且大風, 也沒有陽光。
因為身體有點毛病,所以在ghorepani住了一天,也是因為多住一天, 天氣轉好了, poon hill 日出也很美。
我在山上沒有遇到maoist, 他們說因現在很多軍人, 毛派的人都不會打遊客的主意了。但我在山上好像也是遇到一家人是毛派的, 我的guide跟我打眼色示意我走 (可是只是小孩問我要糖,也沒有嗅到什麼毛派的氣味)
回到pokhara後, 也聽說期間有strike
回港那天. 也有strike, 只有機場巴士。
2004-02-13 23:44 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
2004-02-13 13:50 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
機會總有的,我數年前也沒想過自己會登山,別說是登喜瑪拉雅山,最終也做到了。中國的崇山峻嶺也不少哩!何不先試試? (雖然我覺得中國的山太商業化了)
Richard 的評分: 4
2004-02-10 08:50 來自香港的Richard有以下留言:
For those who only carry a digital camera and need recharge battery, the last point of battery recharge is Tenpoche. The guesthouse may charge you a little money. Ask them first. This information is 2 years ago when I trekked this route to Kala Pattar. Should those need take many pictures, better bring along enough spare batteries.
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